The California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) program provides cash benefits for the care of children in need when one or both parents are absent, disabled, deceased or unemployed. CalWORKs benefits may be extended to qualifying non-citizens who have a child or children in the home. Non-citizens can include refugees, parolees, victims of trafficking or battered non-citizens. If you are eligible for CalWORKs, you automatically qualify for Medi-Cal and you might qualify for CalFresh (formerly known as Food Stamps) as well.
The CalWORKS program requires clients to obtain employment as quickly as possible, become self-supporting, and eliminate or reduce their dependence on aide. The links below provide information about additional assistance and services that can help CalWORKs clients achieve self-sufficiency.
CalWORKs Application Packet – Frequently Used Forms – The following forms are to be accessed with guidance from your caseworker. These forms are only to be utilized after an application has been submitted and your assigned caseworker has contacted you.